import os import json import discord from garfpy import logger from datetime import datetime from operator import itemgetter from collections import defaultdict # Meows Json Handling meows_file = "meow_counts.json" stats_file = "user_stats.json" def json_load(file_path, default): if os.path.isfile(file_path): with open(file_path, "r") as f: return json.load(f) else: return default meow_counts = defaultdict(int, json_load(meows_file, {})) user_stats = json_load(stats_file, {}) async def aod_message(garfbot, message): if "meow" in message.content.lower():"Meow detected! {} said: {message.content}") meow_counts[str(] += 1 with open(meows_file, "w") as f: json.dump(dict(meow_counts), f) if message.content.lower() == "meowcount": response = f"My records show that <@{}> has meowed {meow_counts[str(]} time(s). Have a nice day." await if message.content.lower() == "top meowers": top_meowers = sorted(meow_counts.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:10] embed = discord.Embed(title="Top Meowers :cat:", color=0x000000) for i, (user_id, meow_count) in enumerate(top_meowers): user = await garfbot.fetch_user(int(user_id)) embed.add_field(name=f"{i+1}. {}", value=f"{meow_count} meows", inline=False) await if message.content.lower() == "checking in": user_id = str( if user_id in user_stats and user_stats[user_id]["check_in_time"] is not None: await"{} You are already checked in. Please check out first.") return check_in_time = if user_id not in user_stats: user_stats[user_id] = {"check_ins": 0, "total_time": 0, "check_in_time": None} user_stats[user_id]["check_in_time"] = check_in_time await"{} You have been checked in. Please mute your microphone.") elif message.content.lower() == "checking out": user_id = str( if user_id not in user_stats or user_stats[user_id]["check_in_time"] is None: await"{} You have not checked in yet. Please check in first.") return check_out_time = check_in_time = user_stats[user_id]["check_in_time"] time_delta = check_out_time - check_in_time user_stats[user_id]["check_ins"] += 1 user_stats[user_id]["total_time"] += time_delta user_stats[user_id]["check_in_time"] = None with open("user_stats.json", "w") as f: json.dump(user_stats, f) await"{} You have been checked out. Your session was {time_delta:.2f} seconds.") elif message.content.lower() == "stats": stats_embed = discord.Embed(title="User stats :trophy:", color=0x000000) sorted_user_stats = sorted(user_stats.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]["total_time"], reverse=True) table_rows = [["Name", "Check-ins", "Total Time"]] for user_id, stats in sorted_user_stats: if stats["check_in_time"] is None: total_time_seconds = stats["total_time"] hours, total_time_seconds = divmod(total_time_seconds, 3600) minutes, total_time_seconds = divmod(total_time_seconds, 60) seconds, fractions = divmod(total_time_seconds, 1) fractions_str = f"{fractions:.3f}"[2:] username = garfbot.get_user(int(user_id)).name table_rows.append([username, str(stats["check_ins"]), f"{int(hours)}h {int(minutes)}m {int(seconds)}s {fractions_str}ms"]) else: username = garfbot.get_user(int(user_id)).name table_rows.append([username, "Currently checked in", "-"]) table_columns = list(zip(*table_rows[1:])) table_fields = table_rows[0] for field, values in zip(table_fields, table_columns): stats_embed.add_field(name=field, value="\n".join(values), inline=True) await